Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas is... WHEN?

I hate to sound like a cliché, but how on Earth did Christmas arrive already? I am NOT READY! :) Years ago, I would bake cookies, decorate them, box them up, hand-make my cards from carved lino blocks, decorate every inch of my house in lovely holiday colors...and now? I am lucky if I even have time to wrap my son's Santa gifts. I am leaving with my son and husband for GA in 8 days, we still have not found a dog sitter, I have no gifts, not a single one for any of my family or friends and I rarely even remember to turn the christmas tree lights on. I am busy. Busy is good, actually. I want to be busy. I just miss the feeling of really sinking into the spirit of Christmas. It feels like a freight train coming and I have to hop on board but still haven't packed a single bag, ya know?

I am going to try to make a few gifts, get a few things done and ready and I hope that once we arrive at my family's house, that I can exhale and it will FEEL like a holiday. :) I hope anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean, but it will be fine, presents or no presents, wrapping paper or not. We still may not have cookies because my oven died, but we'll have plenty of company and time to relax. :)
